LETS Systems Explained

The following publications are of value:

1. FAQ on LETS

  • Produced by the Gaia Foundation
  • A great summary of how LETS Systems work and what benefits they may bring to a community

2. How LETS works

  • a single page pictorial representation of how LETS promotes exchange in a community
  • sourced from CENTS – the wider Tasmanian LETS System.  We have decided to keep our system separate from CENTS at this stage.

3. The LETS System Manual

  • A much more comprehensive explanation of LETS Systems
  • A well researched and written resource that addresses the specifics of using a LETS System in Australia
  • rather than downloading the whole manual, each section can be read separately


  1. Introducing LETSYSTEMS
  2. The History of LETS
  3. How LETS Addresses Problems in Conventional Economy
  4. Membership Manual – Possible Operating Principles for a LETSYSTEM
  5. Effects of LETSYSTEMS
  6. Current Issues and Problems for LETSYSTEMS
  7. Setting Up a LETSYSTEM
  8. Current LETSYSTEMS
  9. LETSYSTEMS and the Future – Where to Now?
  10. Appendix A – The Tax Ruling
  11. Appendix B – LETS and Social Security
  12. Appendix C – LETS References
  13. Appendix D – Mastersheets for LETS Presentation

4. Australian Tax Implications

  • a link to the ATO’s policy on LETS systems